I have been ill *sniffles*. In-fact I am still not well but I am getting better gradually. I was running a temperature and was coughing as loud as a godzilla (yes, they are LOUD), lots of sniffles and I couldn’t eat anything. You could have shoved a plate of hot pipping cheese fries right in my face and that would have not tempted me. Ice cream included. Yup, it was that bad. The first day of bed-rest was fine as I could do with that extra sleep and rest. The next day was going pretty okay till I started having hallucinations of me baking away in the kitchen. There were three punnets of blueberries in the kitchen and I thought, how fun it would be if I were to bake Blueberry Scones on a Saturday! The soul was ready to paint the kitchen red, while the body was glued to the bed. It felt as if I was using every ounce of energy just to sneeze or cough. In a perfect world, my mornings would look like this,
- Wake up by 7 am
- Freshen up
- Drink a glass of water
- Exercise
- Make an avocado smoothie
- Household chores
- An egg salad at 11 am
- Start working by 12 pm
Too bad I am not living in a perfect world. I am living in a world where Yellen would run her lips at 3 am, Singapore time and I have to stay awake to see the impact that her words would have on the FX market. I am living in that very world where something happens in China and I have to start worrying about my AUD trade. I am living in a high tech world where I can tuck myself in bed at 12 am but my smartphone would somehow distract me and I end up on Facebook. At times I even end up on total strangers facebook pages and I have no idea as to how it happened! Erm, the latest one could be due to her green grass top, electric orange skirt and yellow boots. I am gonna pretend that I didnt see the huge yellow hat with a sunflower that is almost the size of her head. *shivers* When I get tired of looking at people, I look at yummy food pictures on Pinterest and I start pinning as If I really earned commission based on how many pins I have pinned.
Sorry for digressing. That is so me. Anyways, I had always love the idea of “fixing” breakfast the night before. Be it a sandwich or a bowl of oats, sitting pretty in the corner of the fridge, I get a little happier when I know that breakfast is done. A breakfast usually sets the day right, as it is the most important meal of the day anyway. As most of you might have known that I love avocados with these two recipes; mini taco cups and Corn and avocado salsa.
This Skinny Avocado Smoothie makes the perfect breakfast and it is also a good booster after your workout session. An avocado is not the skinniest of fruits, but it is packed with nutrients. There are so many ways as to how you can make an avocado smoothie. You can add ice cream, or palm sugar or drizzle chocolate sauce over it. Yes very yummy, but we are not going into that direction as the post is about —> Skinny Mondays!
So basically besides avocado and skimmed milk, we would also need a sweetener to sweeten things up a bit as avocado is low in sugar. For those of you who can drink sans the sweetener, kudos to you. I need my honey though. You can either use honey, agave, stevia or sugar. I would normally use honey. In-fact, if you want added fiber and vitamins, you can add a couple of dates to your smoothie instead! Yummy and rich. I do know that not everyone take dates, so honey is a relatively easier and decent choice.
I have a bottle of this Skinny Avocado Smoothie stashed away in the back of my fridge for tomorrow’s breakfast. My morning is somehow gonna be a tad sweeter and greener. I just know it.
- 1 large avocado - Sliced
- 1.25 cup cold skimmed milk
- ½ cup ice
- 2-3 tablespoons honey (more if you like yours sweet)
- Combine all ingredients in a blender until completely smooth. Pour in 2 tall glasses and serve.

Ini memang kegemaran ummi. Thnx maya and gws.
not sure why this recipe is on finding vegan 🙂 was looking forward to the recipe but it includes milk and honey kidn of disappointed :((
I used almond milk and blueberries turned out pretty good