Orders from Sarah. This is E solemnization cake. Chocolate cake
with chocolate ganache.
The bride and groom. Isn’t she just gorgeous??
She was pretty much easy to work with. She said “I want whiteeee cakes with roses. Talllllll like E cakes seen at celebrities wedding! n must chocolateeeeeee!” haha. That was it. Easy right?? :p
She liked E wine glasses that I used for my cousin’s wedding and wanted the same too.
As I was assembling E cakes, bismillah was my mantra. Every time I left the cake table to take some stuffs from E opposite table, people would stop by the cakes, touch a bit, poke here and there! My heart never failed to skip a beat every-time that happens! :p
Anyways I guess everything worked out fine, so yeayyy! 🙂
Wow soo beautiful. Gotta have the roses.
u made that? :O i was kinda drooling over it just now…